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Student Handbook

Student Handbook: Conduct and Policies

Building Respectful Communities

The Student Handbook is an essential resource designed to empower families with essential information on school policies and guidelines. Discipline, attendance, and academic effort are fundamental to successful learning, and clear communication of expectations ensures a cohesive school environment. Our commitment is to foster a safe, inclusive learning environment where every student can excel academically and socially. This handbook ensures compliance with federal and state statutes while reflecting community values of positive learning. It serves as a foundation for promoting positive student conduct and ensuring a supportive educational experience for all.

Student Handbook

First page of the PDF file: 24-25StudentHandbook

Navigating Northside High School

Guidelines and Expectations

This handbook is designed to familiarize you with the organization, procedures, and rules of Northside High School. While it may not address every question, it provides a general guideline to help you navigate our school community. It is essential for both students and parents/guardians to read this handbook thoroughly. For any unanswered questions, please feel free to contact our office. We take pride in our school and hold high expectations for our students, who are responsible for conducting themselves properly and striving for excellence.

Please note that this document is subject to updates as new policies and procedures are adopted. Our goal is to keep you informed about Northside High School’s specific practices within the Fort Smith Public School District, adhering to all federal, state, and district guidelines.